this school-year St.George in Istanbul is celebrating 120 years of
Vincentian service in Turkey. St.George`s church and house were bought by a
German confrere, expelled by Prussia in the time of the “Kulturkampf” and
working with the French confreres of St.Benoit in November 1882. The
Austrian Vincentians took over in 1891 and have remained here so far.
On the feastday of our patron saint, April 23, a festive mass will be
celebrated by the retired president of the Austrian Bishops`s Conference
Johann Weber here in Istanbul.
We have issued a special issue (48 pages) of our St.Georgs-Blatt which shows
different aspects out of different times.

The articles are in German, but some pictures and texts (e.g. Archbishop
Roncalli telling the confreres to stay interned in Turkey in 1944 despite
Gestapo pressure to return “home into the Reich”) may be interesting and are
all found in our homepage,too:
