On 12 April, the decree of approbation of the miracle obtained through the intercession of Sr. Rosalie Rendu was read in the presence of the Holy Father. The person who received this miracle is Sr. Thérèse Béquet (born in 1910, in Côtes d’Armor, France). In 1942 she began to notice pain in her joints, which eventually left her an invalid, also losing the sight in one of her eyes. The doctors, without being able to make a precise diagnosis, affirmed that it was a serious, progressive neurological illness, with motor and sensory troubles, etc. The therapy used at that time was inadequate and ineffective.

On 1 February 1952, while the entire community invoked the intercession of the Servant of God, Sr. Béquet was cured from one moment to the next: all the pathological signs disappeared very quickly.

Source: NUNTIA of the Congregation of the MIssion
