The College Wrap! program makes it possible for college cafeterias to use suitable leftover food to feed the hunger without fear of liability suits.Rock and Wrap It Up! an international volunteer hunger relief organization and think tank, works with administration, faculty and students to introduce the program. The College Wrap! program started in 2002 at Duke University and is now on dozens of campus nation-wide, feeding thousands who hunger. The food services on campus are protected from liability through the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan act. Their practice in other facilities has been to feed the hungry with their leftovers. The leftovers from Molloy can be usedto feed the hungry in a variety of settings.

“It a rewarding project for all involved”, said Molloy College Drew Bogner, President of Molloy College. “We have leftovers, they feed the needy, and our students receive recommendations for graduate school from Rock and Wrap It Up!” a 501 C 3 non-profit. “It is so important to reinforce charitable work in college aged students,” Says RWU Founder Syd Mandelbaum. “We found a more than willing partner in Molloy College and will look forward to expanding our program in other New York Area colleges and Universities.”

Started in 1994, Rock and Wrap It Up! is an international and national volunteer hunger relief organization and think tank to feed those in need. Its mission is to feed those in need using safely recovered edible leftover food. Since its inception, over 5,000,000 pounds have been picked up feeding over 14,000,000 people. Using contracts to designate that leftovers should not be thrown out but feed the hungry is the cornerstone of its efforts. All donors are protected from liability by The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act. The Rock and Wrap It Up! School Program and College Wrap! teaches food recovery skills to students in elementary, middle, high school, colleges and universities. It works with America’s Second Harvest, Pi Lambda Phi International Fraternity and the National Society of Colligate Scholars. Rock and Wrap It Up! has over 4,000 volunteers in more than 500 cities.

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