Following his baptism at the Jordan, Jesus did two main things. Acts 1:1 says he began to do and to teach. In other words he proclaimed the Good News of God’s love, especially to the poor, and he demonstrated the reality of that Good News in two main ways.·Firstly, he related to the people in a compassionate, understanding way which was devoid of judgement or condemnation. He did not dominate them. Instead he came as one who serves. He responded in humble way to their deepest needs. He longed for their liberation, not only from spiritual bondage but also from the unjust structures of society.

Secondly, he performed deeds of power such as healings, exorcisms and miracles. These signs and wonders were not intended to prove that what Jesus said was true. Rather they were the Good News in action, a concrete expression of God’s offer of unconditional mercy and love to those who trusted in the Lord. It is interesting to recall that when St John the Baptist was in prison he sent messengers to ask Jesus whether he was the promised messiah. Jesus pointed to his proclamation and demonstration of the Good News when he replied: “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor” Matt 11:4-5.

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See also his regular column of Reading the Bible on the web site of the Irish Vincentians.
