From New York Newsday “St. Vincent de Paul taught us that the poor have more to teach us about our God and ourselves than we could ever teach them,” Fitzgerald says.” “We truly discover the resurrected Christ among a people who could easily give in to despair but choose to live the Gospel message of hope in the midst of challenge. All the study and preparation we do comes to fruition as we gather with these people who show us what it is to live the Christian faith.”

“In many ways, celebrating the Easter season at one of the neediest parishes in the city represents the culmination of what the Long Island seminarians have been studying.

In preparing to carry out the legacy of St. Vincent de Paul, the 17th century French priest who started the order, the seminarians must do work within the community that will live up to the spirit of the Vincentian motto: “Evangelizare Pauperibus Misit Me,” which is Latin for “He sent me to bring good news to the poor.”

For the full article visit

Thanks to Bro. Carmen for this notice
