Regina Bechtle, SC has provided the following excerpts from the letters of Elizabeth Ann Seton.
To William Seton, 20th November 1814 ASJPH 1-3-3-9:1 (II, 285):

[As hostilities continued in the War of 1812, the British attacked Washington, D.C., August 24-25, 1814, and burned several public buildings including the White House and the Capitol. Elizabeth’s letter to her son, who was hoping for an appointment to the Navy, quotes from Archbishop John Carroll’s reply to her request for help.]

“ …He [William] is indeed not forgotten by me [Carroll]… but truly since the misfortunes of the city of Washington and the deplorable condition to which our leaders has brought our national affairs I see little prospect of William profiting by any appointment he may obtain – …’ ”

To William Seton, 16th February 1815 – ASJPH 1-3-3-9:3 (II, 306)

….We hear Peace is declared – O that it may be so – …your poor Mother looks only at Souls I see neither American or English, but Souls redeemed, and lost. — but you must — your case is quite different – love your country — yet also all countries my William – see things as they are – …

To William Seton, 7th November 1819 ASCSE Seton-Jevons #302-302 (II, 626-627):

…we hear of nothing but war war on all sides so our dear prospect of reunion is faint indeed —

All references are from Elizabeth Bayley Seton: Collected Writings, Vol. II: Correspondence and Journals, 1808-1820 (New City Press, 2002), edited by Regina Bechtle, SC, and Judith Metz, SC, manuscript editor Ellin M. Kelly.
