Litany for the feast of Louise composed by Mary Ann Daly, SCLITANY FOR FEAST OF ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC

Sr. Mary Ann Daly, SC (Sisters of Charity of New York), created this litany as part of a prayer service prepared for the Sisters of Charity Federation. March 15 is the day designated for a special annual remembrance of the common Vincentian spirit that links the 13 congregations of the Federation in the bonds of Charity.

(pray the litany alternating sides)

R. Louise, abandoned child, call us to the side of the most abandoned.

L. Louise, talented artist, help us to use our creativity.

R. Louise, faithful student of Holy Scripture, lead us to study the Word of God.

L. Louise, industrious worker, teach us to work with zeal for God’s reign.

R. Louise, loving wife and doting mother, model for us as we minister to those in our care.
L. Louise, seeker of spiritual direction, urge us to seek the guidance of others on our spiritual journeys.
R. Louise, neurotic worrier, console us in our awareness of our weaknesses.
L. Louise, organizer par excellence, enable us to appreciate our unique gifts.
R. Louise, finder of the face of God in the poor, encourage us to do the same.

L. Louise, radical thinker, challenge us to find new solutions to old problems.

R. Louise, loyal correspondent, foster in us a desire to stay connected to members of the Company of Charity.

L. Louise, underrated and misunderstood woman, create in us an appreciation for the gifts of women.

R. Louise, survivor of war and lover of peace, intercede for peace in our world.

L. Louise, confident in the Providence of God, foster that trust in us.

R. Louise, woman of poor health and strong spirit, keep our spirits strong when our bodies weaken.

L. Louise, friend of Vincent de Paul, show us how to befriend the clergy today.

R. Louise, innovator and risk taker, spark in us the desire to move beyond the limits imposed on us by custom.

L. Louise, teacher, nurse, social worker, administrator in one, be with us as we respond to the needs of our time.
