I have just received word of a site that provides the prayers for peace used by the world’s religions.

The same site has a petition asking world religious leaders who have spoken out so strongly against this war to gather in Baghdad as a way of averting war.
http://www.emissaryoflight.com/peacepetition/signforpeace.htm“”We believe that a spiritual solution is required to peacefully resolve the current political situation in Iraq, and we believe that the presence in Iraq of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and other spiritual leaders from around the world, would certainly shift the current tide of war toward lasting peace. We humbly ask you to please consider this heartfelt request from a million Spiritual Peacemakers to take time from your schedule and travel to Baghdad. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and the hope of world peace, may lie in your hands.””
