Minutes of the meeting of the meeting held in Rome Feb ruary 7-9, 2003MINUTES

We began our meeting with a moment of prayer. Together we asked the Father for the gift of unity in the love of Jesus Christ. Afterwards, Fr. Maloney, Superior General, welcomed the participants.

Those present were:

1. Anne Sturm, new President of the International Association of Charities (AIC);
2. Anna Rovetta, Delegate of the AIC for the Vincentian Family (VF);
3. Pilar Gordillo, Delegate of the AIX for the VF;
4. Robert Maloney, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission (CM)
5. Sister Therezinha Remonatto, Assistant General of the Company of the Daughter of Charity (DC);
6. Joe Mueller, General Vice-President of the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP);
7. Roberto Forti, Delegate of the SSVP for the VF;
8. Yvon Laroche, Superior General of the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul (RSVP);
9. Gladys Abi-Said, President of the Vincentian Marian Youth (JMV);
10. Edurne Urdampilleta, Member of the International Council of the JMV;
11. Charles Shelby, C.M., International Coordinator of the Association of the Miraculous Medal (AMM);
12. Eva Villar, President of the Lay Vincentian Missionaries (MISEVI);
13. Felipe Nieto, C.M., member of the International team of MISEVI;
14. Benjamin Romo, C.M., delegate of Fr. General to the VF

The following is the list of points that were treated and the contributions of the participants:

1. REPORT OF 2002


Participated in the Vincentian Month for Advisers to the Vincentian Family;
Naming of Fr. Shelby as International Coordinator of the AMM. Also named was the International Council that advises the AMM in its service;
The first meeting of the International Coordinating Council in November;


Participated in the Vincentian Month for Advisers to the Vincentian Family;
Two workshops for the formation of future candidates and young volunteers for the “internationality” (one for Africa & Europe and the other for Latin America);
The development of the International Assembly of Delegates of the AIC (Nice, France). This resulted in three lines of action: the “empowerment”, the Institutional Strengthening and Social Co-Responsibility;
Naming of the new International President and the members of her new team.


Participated in the Vincentian Month for Advisers to the Vincentian Family;
Work on the lines of action of the General Assembly of 2000;
Organization and participation in the World Youth Day in July (Toronto, Canada).


Participated in the Vincentian Month for Advisers to the Vincentian Family;
Meeting of the SSVP in Italy: “Social Justice in a Global World”;
National Workshop (Italy) on “Loneliness of the Older Person”;
Search for a house in Rome for offices and to be able to offer formation to the members of the Association.


Consolidation of the International Team; definition of functions and methodology of work;
Giving advice and accompaniment during the first steps of MISEVI in other countries;
Editing the Spirituality Document and the elaboration of the Rules of Internal government;
The writing of a first draft of “A Process of Missionary Formation”;
Creation of a Savings Account for the Return of the Missioners (FAR);
The establishment of the “Day of MISEVI” on the feast of St. Francis Xavier;
Recreation of the web page of MISEVI.


Carrying out of Provincial Assemblies on the theme:
“A Review of Life as seen from the Constitutions”;
Preparation for the General Assembly;
Carrying of the Vincentian Month for the Sister in Mission Ad Gentes;
Participation of 62 sisters during the Vincentian Month for Advisers to the VF;
Opening of two houses in Kenya;
Organization of regional meetings dealing with various themes.


Celebration of the General Chapter;
A more intense collaboration in works of service to the poor;
Beginning of an audiovisual technical team.


Participation in workshops of formation for Missioners and DCs;
Organization and participation in the Vincentian Month for Advisers to the VF;
A meeting with young Vincentians in Niagara;
Participation in the World Youth Day with the JMV;
Visit to Kiev: meeting with the confreres and members of AIC;
Meeting with the International Coordinating Council of the AMM;
Visits to different countries to offer formation to the distinct branches of the VF;
Frequent communication with the national Councils of the distinct branches of the VF.



To organize the web page for the Association at the International level;
Develop and send out materials for formation.


Make known and put into practice the “Programmatic Lines”, above all in the formation of each volunteer en the “empowerment” which commits us to transform the relation with those whom we serve and which recognizes the ability of each person to develop his/herself so as to become really truly collaborators in the transformation of society;
To commit oneself to fight against violence suffered by women at the local, national and international level by means of concrete projects and structural actions;
To give a push to the process of institutional strengthening in the associations of the AIC at every level.


Define the theme for the year: “Let us be a face of love and peace for the world”;
Edit the book “Opening the Door of the Third Millennium”;
Finish and publish the document: “Formative Processes JMV”;
To send out the book of prayers of the JMV and the formula of Consecration;
Receive 5 new volunteers for the International Secretariat;
Prepare the first European meeting of the National Councils of the JMV;
Look for funds;
Carry out visits of support of the Association in various countries.


– Carry out the General Assembly (Rome, October 2003);
Make each Conference an authentic Christian community;


Send the first draft of the Rules of Internal Government;
Publish and send out the Document on Spirituality;
Organize a meeting in Latin America to make MISEVI known and establish it in some countries of this area;
Maintain communication with all countries by means of a circular letter;
Make a triptych to make MISEVI known;
Offer missionary formation to those interested in the Mission Ad Gentes at the Institute Pius X;
Study the first draft of the Plan of Formation


Celebrate the General Assembly (May-June 2003)
Carry out two sessions of Vincentian formation.


Put into practice the decisions taken in the General Chapter
Look for greater collaboration at the local level with branches of the VF.


Participate in the General Assembly of the DCs (Fr. Maloney)
Prepare the General Assembly of the CM
Participate in the International councils of the AIC, JMV & the AMM;
Organize visits of support and formation for the VF in different countries.


Fr. Benjamin Romo gave a report on the various actions that have been done as well as the various communications that have been sent to support the projects that have been undertaken, especially those that dealt with attacking the cause of hunger and the attempt to sensitize and commit society to this cause.

The participants shared some of the more significant projects which have been realized in different countries, underlining the creativity that the VF has had in the putting together of these projects. We state once more that “love is creative unto infinity”.

We go until 2004… It was decided to open up this Campaign so that it will extend until 27 September 2004. It is requested that, besides the projects that are directed towards immediate needs, that we place emphasis in the new year on these three characteristics:

1. That they go along the lines of fighting the causes;
2. That they promote a greater collaboration among the branches of the VF;
3. That they involve the beneficiaries in the working out, realization and evaluation of concrete projects.
To give a better follow-up to this Campaign, naming a member from each of the following will strengthen the Commission: the JMV, the AMM, the RSVP and the SSVP. These names will be made public within the space of a month.


After reflecting on the topic, we decided to assume together a “political action” to eradicate malaria.

This means that we organize for next year (September 27, 2003 – September 27, 2004) a political action geared towards the eradication of malaria. We saw that it is possible to eradicate it, since some countries have already done so. We know that this basically means hitting back at the problem with a “political will” and economic support.

We have an example of this in Madagascar and the Island of Reunion. These two islands, one very big, the other rather small, are close to each other. Madagascar is infected with Malaria. The Isle of Reunion has not been contaminated since a year ago, the Government of France decided to eliminate it.

Malaria attacks many members of our Vincentian Family in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. But not only this: each year, around 300 million people die as a result of malaria. Of these, around 90% belong to the African continent.

In our action, we will deal with a campaign whose goal clearly expresses who we are, what are out points of view and what we hope for from those who have power and economic resources to act.

In the concrete, this means that we will act on the international level in these three ways:

1. Request our offices at the United Nations and the European Community to identify the appropriate political groups for bringing about these actions;
2. Identify who we are and the reasons for which we are taking this action;
3. Send this Declaration to the appropriate organizations or political groups;
4. Encourage the members of the VF in the different countries to take similar actions.

This last means that all the branches of the VF together look for strategies and avenues to make their voice heard. It is necessary to carry out these actions in all countries, including those where malaria does not exist (e.g., the USA, France, Germany, Spain, Italy). These nations have a significant political influence and an economic power for action.

To begin, then:

1. Each one of the branches will name some one to be part of a commission that will take this campaign in its hands;
2. We have given a month to name a member in each branch;
3. The members of this commission will have their meetings in a virtual way;
4. The names of these people will be sent to Fr. Benjamin Romo: famvin@tin.it.

5. COMPUTER PROJECT: “Training of Professors for Systems”

Five projects (2 from RSVP for Brazil and the Congo and 3 from the CM for Honduras, Argelia and Cameroon). Cameroon was chosen to be a pilot project. This project is being presented to various agencies with the hope of receiving economic help to make it a reality.


It was mentioned that this prayer, which was composed by the Vincentian Family itself, has been sent to and has been appreciated by all the members of the Vincentian Family. Many groups use it in their gatherings and meetings. We will continue to make it known and translated into other languages for a greater use.
1. As usual, in the year 2003, a letter dealing with the celebration of St. Vincent will be composed and sent to the VF.
2. It will talk about the widening of the Campaign of the Fight Against Hunger, insisting on the three criteria mentioned previously (attack the causes, promote collaboration among the VF and involve the beneficiaries);
3. It was seen as important that t theme for the day be given. This year it will be hunger. Fr. Maloney will send a first draft to everyone in order to collect suggestions for the letter.


All the participants appreciated the time of common formation. We shared our thoughts about an article, written by Andrea Riccardi, which had been read and reflected upon beforehand individually: Let us face the challenges of the Third Millennium. The areas of our reflection were: the centrality of the Word of god, the primacy of the spiritual life, service to the poor and the urgency of peace.


During the meeting, there were various audiovisual presentations of information and formation:

1. A CD about St. Vincent was presented and distributed which should be very useful in making know his life and his charism;
2. Fr. Orlando Escobar gave an interesting and clear presentation about the contents of the web page of the VF;
3. Brother Adam Budzyna was an excellent technician for these audiovisuals and other presentations during the meeting.


1. Put together, in addition to this report, a short comunicado which can be published in Bulletins or on web pages;
2. Use audiovisuals or other means to present the reports of the next meeting;
3. Organize a special activity for next year to celebrate the 10 years of get-togethers of those responsible for some branches of the VF;
4. Invite those in charge of the branches of the VF in the country of the meeting to share with us some time of prayer and social gathering.


1. Atmosphere of brotherhood and simplicity;
2. A richness in the sharing of the experiences and activities of each branch;
3. Good organization of the meeting;
4. Time of permanent formation was positive
5. Fr. Maloney was a good leader and moderator;
6. Greater sense of belonging to the VF and a better consciousness about sharing a common charism;
7. Important were the times of sharing of prayer, social gatherings, meals and work.


Place: Paris, Mother House of the DCs (Rue de Bac, 40);
Date: Arrival the 19th of February. The meeting will be on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd. The meeting will end with the meal on the 22nd.

Translation provided from Fr. Jack Kane, C.M.
