In order to make the Society of St. Vincent de Paul better known in Spain, the Society began a new Communication Campaign. The campaign was initiated to coincide with the 153rd Anniversary of the Society in Spain. There are large posters with facts and figures and other information about the Society. These posters are in the subways and busses. With its usual simplicity and humility, but at the same time with a sense of urgency, as it reads the signs of the times, the Society offers an opportunity to live out a ‘Christian life by serving those most in need’. New forms of poverty arise each day. There is a “Third World” existing in the “First World” in one country – Spain. ‘We believe many people will join us in response to our campaign.’ ‘Will we see an increase in the number of Conferences?’ However, we put all of that into the Lord’s hands.

The program has added 95 new members.

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