John Maher, CM has just begun to distribute a discernment/vocation CD in the size and shape of a regular business card. It is quite attractive and its compact size and format make it easy to mail or pass on to someone considering a vocation.This kind of “smart” busisness card is growing in popularity in the business world as a quick and convenient way to tell one’s corporate story. Using this technique we can tell Vinent’s story and and invite others to join.

This card, which can be viewed in virtually any computer having a CD tray. features a 5 minute 30 second video as a glimpse into the life of Vincent and then a self contained web site with sections entitled

Know VIncent
Follow Christ
Serve Others
Follow Christ

Each of these sections in turn has further sub-divisions. All are accompanied by approriate upbeat music (which can be turned off if so desired).

John Maher can be reached at the Vincentian Vocation Ministry Office in Princeton New Jersey 609 520 9626

The video section, developed by the Vincentian Center for Church and Society at St. John’s in NY, is currently available on its web site

For other vocation initiatives of the CM Vocation Directors in the US see an earlier story on this site.
