New Zealand has been twinned with Sri Lanka for over 30 years. Every five years or so, we make a fraternal visit to keep in close contact with them in the same way as any family does, and also to see the sort of work that they are doing with their twinning funds.

The Society in Sri Lanka is organized with active Conferences being the strength of the organization. They have about 300 Conferences of which 200 are twinned with New Zealand and 10 twinned with Canada. 

While Sri Lanka is a country rich in natural beauty and friendly people, unfortunately there is also considerable poverty. They have about five times the population of New Zealand but live in about the quarter of the space. Sub standard housing, generally poor living conditions and poor health are the norm for many. 

The Society responds to those in need by doing things like building houses, building community halls, feeding children milk and vitamins, conducting health clinics, building and running homes for the elderly, supplying school materials, providing dry rations, and running pre schools. 

Local Vincentians are very appreciative of the funds and prayerful support that comes to them from New Zealand. 

The reality is that the twinning with the Society in Sri Lanka is mutually beneficial as we seek to serve Christ’s poor together – long may this service continue.

Source: President of the National Council of New Zealand – Kevin Tansley – December 2002</a.
