January 17, 2003 – The First American, Steve M. Pearson, of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been hired for the newly formed position of International Executive Director, by the International Président General, José Ramón Díaz-Torremocha.The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is the largest Catholic Lay Organization, represented in 131 countries and five continents, with a membership of 590,000 members worldwide, including 108,000 in the U.S. The Society, provides direct aid to those in need amounting to more than $164 million. The Society is represented in 131 countries and 5 continents (See U.S. SVdP fact sheet enclosed)

Pearson, Executive Director, for the last five years, for the SVdP Council of Pittsburgh, is relocating to Paris, France to work at the International Office sometime this summer. The Council of Pittsburgh is presently in the process of recruiting a new Executive Director.

Eugene B. Smith, National President for the SVdP Council of the U.S. stated, “I highly recommended Steve Pearson to President José Ramón, as he is a fine young man with many attributes. His devotion and work for the Society for the past five years has been outstanding.”

Recently at the Bishop’s Mass and Breakfast, in Pittsburgh, Bishop David A. Zubic led 230 Vincentians present in an impromptu blessing ceremony for Steve and his new position. Steve expressed, “I was deeply touched and continue to feel God’s peace and presence in my heart.”

Steve N. Pearson


Attended the Divien Word College in Epworth, Iowa where he
received his BA Degree—Cum Laude.
Masters Degree in Divinity with Mission Specialization,
Catholic Theological Union, IL

Work Experience:

Director of Education, Holy Childhood Association 1985-88

Director, AT-One-Ment Associates, 1988-90 (A lay Mission Organization)

Associate Director, Mission Office, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, 1990-94

Director, Spiritan Associates, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Director Council of Pittsburgh, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1998-2003
