As reported in OZANEWS the first step is moving toward a kind of “Vincentian University”The Commission is composed of intellectuals, historians or persons responsible in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, all of them being members or very close friends of the SSVP Conferences. They have been working to set the Foundation’s basis and to define its missions.


 The Foundation has an intellectual role. It aims at being a sort of ‘Vincentian University’, dedicated to researches, training, and exchange of ideas and gathering of people. 

– Reflection on the meaning of the man of today, F. Ozanam and his companions. 
– Training of the responsible Vincentians
– The study of the causes and the structure of poverty in the world. 

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul needs guides. Men pass; the supreme guide is the Holy Spirit. It blows particularly where we work. The International Ozanam Foundation can feed the reflection of the Society and courage its work.>
