Here in Thigio, as Christmas approaches, we are full of gratitude for the way God is blessing and guiding our work so beautifully. The little nursery is up and running and has been in operation for two months. The children really are the poorest and it’s a real source of joy to see them smiling and their little eyes brighter even after just a few short weeks.

Christmas 2002

What a joy it is to wish you all, our family, friends and benefactors, every blessing and peace for Christmas

Here in Thigio, as Christmas approaches, we are full of gratitude for the way God is blessing and guiding our work so beautifully. The little nursery is up and running and has been in operation for two months. The children really are the poorest and it’s a real source of joy to see them smiling and their little eyes brighter even after just a few short weeks.

We have also started a women’s support/development group with their mums and carers, which happens three times a week for a couple of hours. In between times the visiting is on going and with so many AIDS victims surfacing, mostly women, we are looking now into starting a home-based care programme. Much of this is backed up and supported by our clinic services in addition to the general medical care it continues to offer the people.

Our most recent undertaking is the setting up of a small facility for disabled children, in an unused area of the clinic, where they receive physio and other specialized care and treatment and their parents gain a little respite. Without this service the children would receive no help at all and their mums very little support as the nearest rehabilitation centre is in Nairobi thirty miles away and is prohibitive both in terms of transportation and expense.

For more of the story and photos visit

Here in Thigio, as Christmas approaches, we are full of gratitude for the way God is blessing and guiding our work so beautifully. The little nursery is up and running and has been in operation for two months. The children really are the poorest and it’s a real source of joy to see them smiling and their little eyes brighter even after just a few short weeks.

Christmas 2002

What a joy it is to wish you all, our family, friends and benefactors, every blessing and peace for Christmas

Here in Thigio, as Christmas approaches, we are full of gratitude for the way God is blessing and guiding our work so beautifully. The little nursery is up and running and has been in operation for two months. The children really are the poorest and it’s a real source of joy to see them smiling and their little eyes brighter even after just a few short weeks.

We have also started a women’s support/development group with their mums and carers, which happens three times a week for a couple of hours. In between times the visiting is on going and with so many AIDS victims surfacing, mostly women, we are looking now into starting a home-based care programme. Much of this is backed up and supported by our clinic services in addition to the general medical care it continues to offer the people.

Our most recent undertaking is the setting up of a small facility for disabled children, in an unused area of the clinic, where they receive physio and other specialized care and treatment and their parents gain a little respite. Without this service the children would receive no help at all and their mums very little support as the nearest rehabilitation centre is in Nairobi thirty miles away and is prohibitive both in terms of transportation and expense.

For more of the story and photos visit
