National Trainners’ Training Program – 2002 in Accra – Ghana –
A Success Story of the Twinning Arrangement between Ireland and African Countries 

The National Council of Ireland sponsored a SSVP Training program for eleven English speaking countries of Africa: English speaking Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Ireland. 

The training, which formed a part of twinning program, took place after many months of organization and planning. The plan started in 1999, after the plenary assembly in Fatima, the African countries twinned to Ireland were invited for a Trainers’ Program. 
The session was an intensive exercise with a full program. The areas covered included the history and the work of the Society, presentation exercise, visitation and the structure of the Society starting with the ‘Conference’ to Council General in Paris. Modules were examined for possible modifications to suit the African environment. 

The Territorial Vice-President of Africa, P. O. Ehiagwina, hopes that the French speaking countries of Africa will soon be assembled in a similar manner for training. 
Twenty-three persons participated and it ended with a huge level of success. All the ‘trainees’ were appreciative of the opportunity and the trainers from Ireland were also very satisfied. It’s been a great Vincentian experience for both sides to meet each other.

Source: Report of the Territorial Vice-President for Africa – P.O. Ehiagwina – 2002
