The current issue of Ozanews features an interview with Interview Fernando Ottoni whose miraculous healing led to the beatification of Fredric.”I am infinitely grateful”

Fernando Ottoni, the miraculously healed

In his nice house, in the city of Rio de janeiro, decorated with objects from all over the world, each one with a more interesting history than the other and with pictures painted by his wife, Fernando Ottoni, the miraculously healed, talked to us for more than 2 hours. 

For decades, Mr. Fernando had not been aware of the miracle he received even though he never discredited it, as his parents and his older brothers always talked about it. 

He started becoming aware of it when he received letters from the General Secretary of the SSVP in Paris. It was only then when he realized that everything people has said had really happened. “It is hard to explain that, but it was the truth”, said Mr. Fernando, touched. 

When the beatification was celebrated, Ottoni was in a very confused state of mind, as he himself told us; his mind was very bewildered, with a weakened health, as he was not able to attend the beatification celebrated by the Pope in Notre-Dame. The miracle received by Mr. Fernando was the cause of the beatification of Frederic Ozanam on August 22nd .

For the interview and pictures visit
