One hundred thirty Superiors General and around 50 lay persons belonging to some of the more significant movements in the Church participated in the Assembly Union of Superiors General. In the name of the Superior General, Fr. Benjamín Romo participated in the 61st Ordinary Assembly of the Union of Superiors General which was held in Rome at the General Curia of the Salesians, from 27 to 30 November. The theme of the Assembly was: Laity and Religious, Together in Facing the Challenges of the Third Millennium.

Fr. Romo gave the conference: Religious and Laity, A Common Mission in the Church and in the World (which was one of the two conferences scheduled for this Assembly; the other was give by Prof. Andrea Riccardi, Founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio).

The JMV participated with two representatives. The principal purpose of this Assembly was to favor mutual understanding and to share the riches of the different charisms. The possibilities for greater collaboration through concrete actions to face the great challenges of today’s world were discussed in a climate of communion and participation.

Source: NUNTIA (of the CM. The full edition will soon appear at
