In response to an appeal by the Rev. Sr. Marvie L Misolas, a Filipina Maryknoll Sister who look after street-sleepers for a long period, the Taichung Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, at the end of March 2002, decided to provide some services to them. Starting from this April, the Society distributes lunch boxes to street sleepers living in the Triangular Garden next to the Gong Sing Station on every Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Due to financial constraint, the Society could only target at physically disabled, lone aged-people and long-term unemployed. 

Street-sleepers have no fixed place of abode. They do not have regular meals and, for most of the time, wandering in the street. They hesitate at the crossroad of their life, gradually losing their wills and determination to struggle for life. They are in urgent need of care and concern from the community. However, street-sleepers give others the impression that they are dirty, impolite and doing nothing. Therefore, in one of the monthly meetings of the Society, some brothers and sisters cast doubts on the meaning and effectiveness of providing services to those street-sleepers. Fortunately, our Spiritual Director reminds us that Jesus Christ, for most of His life, was with those under-privileged of the society: such as the poor, sick-people, criminals, prostitutes, and served them. He also sacrificed His life for our sins.

Our Spiritual Director also instructs us, not to lay down any pre-requisite. We hope by showing our love and preaching the gospels to those street-sleepers, we could change their way of life. At first, we need to bring into action our charity by accepting those street-sleepers and then with firm faith, cultivating humble attitude to serve others without rewards.

For the past 6 months, brothers and sisters of SVP provide services to street-sleepers under all weather conditions. Recently, before distributing lunch-boxes on every Saturday, our brothers and sisters Of SVP will accompany the street-sleepers to clean-up the Triangular Garden, so to provide a clean environment, and, as a gesture of showing gratitude to this piece of land for providing opportunity for our meeting. On Sunday, we will peach them the gospels, teach them to sing holy hymns and to share with them the grace of Jesus Christ.

For the full story visit the International site of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
