The site of the Daughters of Charity in Emmitsburg has drawn attention to a 1985 talk by Fr. Richard McCullen, C.M. reflecting on the foundation of the Daughters of Charity.Let us “walk along that street in Paris, where on this day St. Louise gathered the first Daughters of Charity about her, and began to speak to them of the love which Jesus Christ had for them, and of how He wanted them to help Him in caring for His special friends, the poor. This is a Thanksgiving Day in the Company. There is a line in the psalms that speaks of the marvel of how one day after another speaks of the glory of God: “Day unto day takes up the story.” (Ps 19:3). Yes, since the 29 November 1633, Sisters have been taking up the story of St. Louise and the work which, with St. Vincent, she began on that day, and have been passing it on to succeeding generations of Sisters. The Sisters are doing things today in Community and for the poor, because of what St. Louise said to those first Sisters.”

For the full text of this 1985 talk visit
