SYDNEY, November 10, 2002 ( Damir Govorcin writes in next Sunday’s The Catholic Weekly – “An endless nurse, a lantern in the dark … the whispered prayer, the song of comfort that sees a victim through the night.” That, says Premier Bob Carr, is Vinnies, the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

Mr Carr, who was launching the Society’s 2002 Christmas Appeal, said that Vinnies dealt on a daily basis “with victims of chance – those with an alcohol problem, and those with broken down self-esteem through unemployment”. “The Bali tragedy,” he said, “has made all of us aware what it’s like to be victims of chance.” To kick-start the appeal, the Premier handed over a cheque from the State Government for $20,000……… The full article can be read at:

Story found on the web site of the Vincentians in Australia.
