1. Introduction

1.1. The AIC is a project net all over the world: a hope of transformation
AIC’s objective is “to struggle against all forms of poverty and its causes. To achieve this we must do it “acting together”.
Saint Vincent said “the poor suffer more from lack of organization that for lack of good will”. This means that the underprivileged have the right to a quality service. Our good will is not enough; it is necessary to learn how to respond the in best way possible to the need of the poorest. “To work in the form of projects” is to practice Saint Vincent de Paul’s dynamics with a strict and efficient method…

The Projects Service has prepared this document based on the experiences of volunteers from AIC’s associations all over the world, experiences of other humanitarian associations, information from our representatives before the international organizations and through studies of the exigent demands of the organizations that provide financing and other humanitarian associations.

