Rosa Maria Cassas continues her report from Nice, France.2. Transformation of the community

Yesterday we worked on a first aspect of transformation before poverty, thus, our personal transformation.

If we succeed in questioning ourselves, if we have the courage to change the power balance in our relations with others, a change will take place in ourselves, and this will produce other changes around us, mainly in the beneficiaries of our actions. With them, we shall be able to participate in the effort to transform society. We are convinced that in all levels, transformation of one part leads to the transformation of the totality.

Today’s work is the ideal continuation of yesterday’s work and it widens our perspectives towards the transformation of the community.

The general theme of our assembly is co-responsibility. We cannot be co-responsible without choosing two things. We must choose between fear or renovation, between fear or liberty, from rejection to commitment in place of the common good. We have been asked, we, the volunteers have been asked, to give the best or ourselves, but also to be available for all, so we can improve society.

In her inaugural message, Patricia de Nava invited us to assume with decision our responsibilities, to participate in the definition of strategies directed to the re-composition of the social tissue to demand the participation of all the subjects, from all members of governments to the poorest and excluded, that must transform themselves in the object of the actions and subjects co-responsible of the transformation of society.

Within the frame of the transition from personal transformation to transformation of the community, Mrs. Claudia Lucking-Michel will talk to us about the transition from ‘personal empowerment to empowerment of the communities’.

The free afternoon has turned into a pleasant tradition in our assemblies. It is an important space that will allow us to accumulate new energy to keep alive the enthusiasm that has animated us till now.
