Fr. Benjamín Romo, Delegate for the Vincentian Family, visited Costa Rica from 2-16 September. During his visit he met with the different associations of the Vincentian Family present in the country and got to know the reality and the projects the Vincentian Family has for formation, service of the poor, and collaboration. On 8 September, he celebrated a day with the Vincentian Family: there was time for formation, prayer, and sharing. In San José he also met with 35 teachers of the Colegio-Seminario, to whom he spoke about the Vincentian charism and mission. At the end of the visit, the Vice-Visitor invited Fr. Romo to a meeting with the Council in order to reflect on the reality of the Vincentian Family in the country and to seek means of support and accompaniment in this area.

After his stay in this country, Fr. Romo traveled to Paris in order to participate, on 19 September, in the Vincentian Session for the Daughters of Charity who work in mission countries. He gave a conference, “The CM, the Daughters of Charity and lay Vincentians: an opportunity for the mission.” About 100 sisters were present at this Vincentian Session. After the conferences, there was ample time to share testimonies, work in groups, meeting in plenary session, and celebrate the Eucharist.

Courtesy of NUNTIA of the Congregation of the Mission
