V U E L A N (Vincentians United in the Evangelization of Latinos in North America)
Vincentians United in the Evangelization of Latinos in North America

Who are we?

We are presently a group of members of the Congregation of The Mission and The Daughters of Charity in the United States who promotes The Evangelization of the Hispanic/Latino People. We seek the collaboration of many other religious and lay members of the Vincentian Family who want to join us in evangelizing our Hispanic/Latino Brothers and Sisters. We want to support each other by coming together once a year, to learn, and explore issues and concerns which affect the lives of our Hispanic/ Latino Communities, specially the most poor and neglected.

An Overview of 2002 Conference in Chicago Nov. 4-8, 2002

Cenacle Retreat Center
513 W. Fullerton Parkway
Chicago, Ill. 60614

This year’s Conference in focused on Ministry to Hispanic/Latino Youth. The Conference will try to address the following components related to:

Hispanic/Latino Youth: 18-30 years of age who speak predominantly Spanish, and who are subject of Hispanic Pastoral Ministry Programs in parishes in the USA.

With the help of the Archdiocese of Chicago Youth Ministry Program, we will try to listen and learn on some techniques and programs, which are being used in the Archdiocese of Chicago as well as other places in the USA. We will also share some data on the national level on Hispanic/Latino Youth Ministry for this youth group age.

We will come together as a group of Vincentians and will share some of our own” good” stories on Hispanic/Latino Youth Ministry Programs which are already taken place in some of our Ministries.

Hispanic/Latino Youth Experience: from Grammar School to High School.

We will listen to a presentation by an experience person on the struggles of Hispanic/Latino kids who are trying to bridge the experience of their barrio families with the school system. We will explore some Programs, which have been tried in the past and have proven being successful with these kids. Different family and culture issues will be analyzed.

We will make a field visit to a poor neighborhood on the West Side of Chicago and visit Cristo Rey, an experimental Hispanic/Latino High School.

Catholic University: Experience for Hispanic/Latino Youth.

Using De Paul University as a setting, we will have the opportunity to listen to a panel of Hispanic/Latino Students chaired by Javier Orozco from University Ministry, who will speak on their own personal views on Religion, The Catholic Church, De Paul University, and Family etc. We will also have the opportunity to ask questions from them.

Vocations: Attracting Hispanic/Latino to the Priesthood and The Religious Life following the Charisma of Vincent.

We will dedicate a session to discuss among ourselves how can we, as Vincentians, attract Hispanic/Latino(a)s to our Communities.

Submitted by

Rev. Prudencio Rodriguez
Midwest Province
2340 S. University Boulevard
Denver, CO. 80210

For registration form and further information contact
