Sr. Serena Branson, D.C. honored with Catholic Charities USA’s Vision Award for their leadership and life-long commitment to serving those in need.

The annual Vision Award recognizes an individual, who through his or her life and work personifies Catholic Charities USA’s vision for the new millennium. Past award recipients include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Sr. Helen Prejean, Rashey Moten, and Fr. Fred Kammer. In the 1950s, she established in the Archdiocese of New York the Astor Home, a residential treatment center for the psychiatric care of children, and the Kennedy Child Study Center, one of the first day-treatment programs for mentally retarded and developmentally delayed or disabled children and their families. Sr. Serena also helped to establish in Philadelphia a treatment-oriented facility to house programs for emotionally disturbed children.

In 1970, Sr. Serena went to Albany, NY, and headed the reorganization of St. Catherine’s Center for Children with the purpose of implementing new programs and strategies for the care of needy children and their families. Four years later, she was appointed executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany. In this position, she oversaw the development and expansion of health and human services to all 14 counties in the diocese, with an emphasis on forging close relationships with the public sector.

Since 1990, Sr. Serena has served as director of special projects at Catholic Charities of Albany. Her projects included the DePaul Residence, a 50-bed single room dwelling for the homeless; Serena House, the first in a series of community residences for the profoundly disabled; Farano House, a program for infants with AIDS; and eight apartment complexes for the low-income elderly. In addition to her work in administration and family and child welfare, Sr. Serena has served on numerous boards, task forces, and diocesan committees.

Because of health reasons, Sr. Serena was unable to attend the award ceremony. Most Reverend Howard J. Hubbard, DD, Bishop of Albany, NY, accepted the award on her behalf.

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