CANBERRA, August 16, 2002 ( The Campbelltown Animation Project is an innovative community development and education project which works with residents of large public housing estates in Sydney’s outer south-western suburbs.Established in April 1999 by the Society of St Vincent de Paul, the Animation Project has built on new approaches to community work pioneered by a joint project the Society established with the Good Samaritan Sisters in Claymore in 1995.

Partners in the project include the Franciscan Friars, the Presentation Sisters (Wagga Wagga Congregation), the Sisters of St Joseph and the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong.

The process of “animation” – of bringing to life, energising, inspiring – is based on a strong belief in the power of “ordinary” people to effect change in themselves and their communities, if supported, encouraged and trusted.

The Animation Project focuses not on achieving a pre-determined set of outcomes or on what non-government organisations can do for residents in a struggling community but on how residents can be supported to discuss and act on the community needs that they regard as important. Each community action residents decide to take together brings about some change and, over a period of time, people’s self-belief grows and the local culture of isolation and despair begins to be replaced by a spirit of co-operation and achievement.

Details of the Claymore (Campbelltown NSW) animation project can be found through the   St Vincent de Paul Society’s Web Site   The St Vincent de Paul’s Society’s role in this project will be covered in the ABC TV’s Compass Programme on Sunday August 18.
