FIrst ever meeting of 120 Advisors from 46 countries and 5 continents .Vincentian Month for Group Advisors of the Vincentian Family
Mother House of the Daughters of Charity, Rue du Bac, Paris
July 7 – 26, 2002

Coming from 46 countries and 5 continents, about 120 Advisors from lay groups in the Vincentian Family came together at the Mother House of the Daughters of Charity for a Vincentian Month, the first to be organized around this theme. The Daughters of Charity and Priests of the Mission are frequently the ones who accompany lay groups, especially the AIC, JMV, SSVP and Misevi, this last group, itself, coming from within the Vincentian Family. These Advisors will be gathered from July 7 – 26, 2002.

On Monday, July 8, Sister Juana Elizondo, Superioress General of the Daughters of charity, offered a message of welcome. Her message, inspired by the Our Father, began by reminding us of the words of John Paul II, “The true missionary is the saint,” stressing that our principal goal must be spreading the Kingdom of God. She also warned us of some risks in our mission as Advisors: wanting to have first place, placing confidence in efficient modern means and leaving the Holy Spirit aside, not striving sufficiently, fear of failure or discouragement. Her message ended with the phrase from Saint Vincent: “Three can do as much as 10 when God puts his hand to the work.”

At the opening Eucharistic Liturgy, Father Robert Maloney, Superior General, invited us to listen to God and to let God speak to our hearts. At the same time, he reminded us that one of the most important aspects of our work as advisors is to encourage, give suggestions and be welcoming, as Jesus who had compassion on the multitude. The Superior General told us that we must allow God to speak to our hearts to enflame them so as to make the Vincentian Family an instrument of the service of the poor.

Father Benjamin Romo, Delegate of the Superior General for the Vincentian Family and one of the organizers of this Encounter explained the objectives of this Vincentian Month. The objectives planned for each of the three weeks of this Encounter:

To deepen together the spirit and doctrine of the Founders, especially their relationship with the laity and their mission of service of the poor in the Church;

To learn, with participation of the laity themselves, the reality, identity and apostolate of the branches of the Vincentian Family in order to offer them a better service;

To discover, with the laity, our place and our service as advisors in the groups of the Vincentian Family.

During the afternoon, the participants presented themselves and began the work groups. In this first session, the participants specified and shared their hopes for this Encounter.

On Tuesday, July 9, the Superior General presented a conference entitled: “The Qualities of a Good Formator,” which include: being centered on the person of Jesus Christ, having knowledge of the charism of Saint Vincent, being committed to the service of the poor, having personal relationships, having the ability to listen, promoting union in the Vincentian Family, being a team-worker, having knowledge of the Social Doctrine of the Church, able to use modern means and finally, being an authentic missionary. Each of the participants, as well as the groups, had the opportunity to reflect on other abilities expected of a good formator.

In the afternoon, Father Jean Landousies, Superior of the Mother House, presented a conference: “The Laity in the Church of Today.” Laity in the Church are called to communion, called to proclaim the Gospel to the poor, called to holiness and to bring about a mission within a pluralistic society. He stressed the importance and quality of our encounters with God and with our brothers and sisters. Finally, he emphasized the necessity of formation.

Thanks be to God and to the prayers of so many people, we have a family atmosphere of joy that enables us to work and share our richness during this Vincentian Month.
We will continue to keep you informed

Orlando Escobar, C. M.
