“Our heritage is rooted in the creativity and spirituality of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, in the willingness of Emilie Gamelin to risk and trust in Providence, in the responsiveness of the Montreal Sisters of Providence to the call of Bishop E.J. Horan, as well as in the courage and pioneer spirit of Mother Mary Edward McKinley and the original members of the Kingston community. “The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul are an apostolic congregation of vowed women religious called to be channels of God’s Providence in the world through compassionate service in response to the needs of the times.

In accordance with our mission statement, we seek to empower others, especially the poor and oppressed, to achieve a quality of life in keeping with their human dignity. We also strive to be prophetic leaders in our Church and in society.

Relying on the Providence of God which we are called to proclaim, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul are gifted with a charism of compassionate caring for God’s people, especially the most destitute, manifested by service given in a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity. As we serve with compassion and walk in hope, we trust in the power, the movement and the mystery of Providence in all things.

The Sisters of Providence do not attribute their founding to a single originator, a practice which differs from that of many Catholic religious communities. Instead, the congregation views its founding as a process of history involving key people guided by a deep spirituality and passion for social justice.

