The various leaders of branches of the Vincentian Family offer suggestions for celebrating our annual day of prayerGUIDELINES FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 2002

1. The heads of the Congregation of the Mission, the Daughters of Charity, AIC, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, JMV, MISEVI, the Miraculous Medal Association, and the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul in each city or area should meet as soon as possible in order to begin to plan the prayer celebration. After receiving this letter, would you please contact one another by phone or other suitable means as soon as possible. To facilitate this matter, we ask the superior of the Congregation of the Mission in each area to initiate these contacts. If there are no members of the Congregation of the Mission in the area, then we ask the superior of the Daughters of Charity to be the initiator.

2. Please invite the other branches of the Vincentian Family in your area to join in this celebration (e.g., other groups of laity, sisters, brothers, or priests living in the Vincentian spirit). It is especially important that the young feel at home at our celebrations. Our gathering can be an opportune moment for them to know men and women who share St. Vincent’s vision.

3. We encourage you too to provide for the participation of the poor, who evangelize us by their presence.

4. The day of prayer could include a common celebration of the Eucharist or some other communal service, according to the circumstances in each area. If a Mass is not possible, one might envision a celebration of the word, with readings, hymns, prayers, sharing of thoughts, etc. In other contexts, one could envision a “Holy Hour,” with the usual liturgical actions (processions, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, readings, etc.).

5. During this year’s celebration, the new prayer card could be distributed and explained. Then the prayer could be said together. All could be encouraged to use the prayer frequently in the future, even daily.

6. One could also organize, depending on the circumstances, a moment for ongoing formation and/or for relaxed social contact.

7. The celebration should be organized on or around September 27, in accord with what date would best promote the participation of the various members of our family. It is important that the celebration be truly communal, with the active participation of members of the various branches. A wise distribution of roles will guarantee that all groups take part.

8. The readings suggested for the Mass of St. Vincent should be used (Is 52:7-10; 1 Cor 1:26-31, 2:1-2; Mt 5:1-12a), along with, if you judge it helpful, other appropriate selections from St. Vincent’s writings. Much will depend on the kind of celebration that is organized in each area. A prayer of the faithful should be prepared with intentions contributed by members of the various branches of the Vincentian Family.

9. In order to raise consciousness about our annual day of prayer, about our campaign against hunger, and about the new prayer card to be used in our Family, we suggest the following:

a. the use of various media to publicize them: articles in the press, announcements on the radio, television, etc.

b. the use of our international, national, and local web pages to publicize them.

10. We hope that, around September 27, our Family in each country, might evaluate the projects that have been organized for the Campaign Against Hunger, and, if it seems opportune, initiate others.
