Heroes and Heroines

We have our heroes to guide and inspire us on our journey…
St. Vincent de Paul

Vincent de Paul

lived during the 17th century in France. His funeral drew thousands in Paris and the preacher said that he “just about changed the face of the Church and France”.

Louise de Marillac

who died on March 15, 1660 just a few months before Vincent de Paul… a wife, mother, teacher, nurse, social worker, mentor, spiritual leader, and foundress who stands as a model to all women.

Elizabeth Ann Seton

was born into an upper-class family in New York City in 1774. She began the first free Catholic school staffed by religious women in the United States for needy girls in 1810, and went on to form the Sisters of Charity according to the tradition of Louise de Marillac and Vincent de Paul—the first U.S. apostolic society for women– in 1809.

Frederic Ozanam

(April 23, 1813 – September 8, 1853) founded with fellow students the Conference of Charity, later known as the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. He has been revered since as an exemplar of the lay apostle, in family, social and intellectual life.

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