July 19, 1813: First Vows of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s in Emmitsburg, Maryland, USA

On July 19, 1813, vows were pronounced for the first time by Elizabeth Ann Seton and 17 other Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s who adapted the vow formula of the French Daughters of Charity.

If Moccasins Could Speak!

Have you ever walked a mile in another’s moccasins? … in the moccasins of their sufferings?

Everyone Deserves a Home #famvin2024

In only 6 years, from 2018 to 2023, the FAMVIN Homeless Alliance (FHA) has provided over 10,000 formerly homeless people with secure housing and access to other support services.

A Vincentian View: Francis de Sales

Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac both held Saint Francis de Sales in high esteem. 

The Church of Corinth – is the Past Prologue?

In “The Tempest,” Shakespeare wrote, “What’s past is prologue!” Antonio is rationalizing the past as setting the stage for their next act, as a prologue does in a play.



Sharon Browning writes in her blog about something that we as Vincentians have a great concern for…the Vulnerable: We Americans recently learned that our government has banned the use of 7 words and phrases in budget documents being prepared by at least one agency...

Journey to Emmitsburg

Journey to Emmitsburg

In honor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Feast Day on January 4, let this SlideShare presentation help you visualize what it would have been like to live as the first Sisters of Charity did.

Words That Glow

Words That Glow

Words That Glow (Isaiah 6:11; John 1:23) A familiar phrase, “It leapt off the page at me!” Of all the lines and sentences in a book, one starts to glow and flash out as if it were being spoken to me personally. I mention this because a single sentence occurring in...

Hope of Israel and of all Nations

Hope of Israel and of all Nations

Jesus is the hope of Israel and of all nations.  Those who trust in him and welcome him rise.  They fall, on the other hand, those who distrust and reject him. Joseph and Mary are devout Jews.  That is why they come with the child Jesus to the temple to...

Hope of Israel and of all Nations

Food for All that Gives Life and Saves

Already at birth, Jesus offers himself as the food that gives life and saves.  Unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood, we have no life within us. Mary does not lay her child in a crib.  Rather, she lays him, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger, which holds...