WHAT IS VOICE OF THE POOR (VOP)?  The Phoenix website of the St. Vincent de Paul Society asnwers this way.

Voice of the Poor is the advocacy arm of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

As followers of Christ, we are challenged to help create conditions for marginalized voices to be heard, to defend the defenseless and to assess policies and social institutions in terms of their impact on the poor.

Voice of the Poor calls Vincentians to speak to the larger society with a single voice and address root causes of poverty.

Mission Statement of Voice of the Poor, Diocesan Council of Phoenix

Believing in the dignity of every person, Voice of the Poor supports Catholic social teaching.  Under the direction of the Diocesan Council, we will advocate for justice on behalf of those in need, while educating St. Vincent de Paul members about economic and social issues impacting the poor.


Voice of the Poor activities are a natural extension of our roles as Vincentians. Members of the Society serve on the front lines, in solidarity with the poor by providing food, shelter and other emergency services. However, lasting long-term assistance to the poor requires looking at the larger political and economic picture.

Guided by the fundamentals of Catholic social teaching, VOP committee members research and evaluate issues and governmental policies.  The Diocesan Council Board first approves positions on legislative items. The Diocesan Board President serves as the Society’s official spokesperson. VOP works to educate Vincentians and decision-makers regarding the impact of legislation on the poor and marginalized.

Make Your Voice Count: Take Action Using the VOP Capwiz Advocacy Page!

The newest addition to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s national Web site is the Voice of the Poor Capwiz Advocacy page. Capwiz is an online advocacy tool that allows members of the Society to act as voices of the poor and communicate directly to elected officials via e-mail on poverty-related issues. Capwiz allows the national office to create “action alerts” and makes it easy for Vincentians to contact federal, state, and local elected officials.

Click here to visit the Capwiz Advocacy page

Click here to view the Voice of the Poor Brochure

Click here to visit the National Voice of the Poor Web site

Click here to visit the Arizona Legislature Web site

Contact us at vop@svdp-phx-az.org or vopsvdp@gmil.com

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