Bruce Krause, C.M. writes about stimulating campus-wide competition using a Vincentian-themed version of the popular TV game “Jeopardy” during Niagara University’s observance of “Vincentian Week”. Click Read More

Faculty, administration/staff, and students’ knowledge of Vincentian heritage were put to the test during a friendly game of Vincentian Jeopardy, today, on Niagara University’s campus.  The three teams each had three members and were given the opportunity to respond within 30 seconds to questions on the following categories:  St. Louise de Marillac, St. Vincent de Paul, History of CM’s at NU, Vincentian Quotes, SVdP Society, and Places in Vincentian History.

For example, one question about Vincentian Quotes was:
When St. Vincent said, “Grace has its moments,” he was suggesting that we do this:

  • Plan Better
  • Use Twitter
  • Trust in Providence

What do you think is the correct answer?

What is… Trust in Providence.

The faculty enjoyed a commanding lead over the students and administration/staff.

Bragging rights are short-lived, though, among “humble” Vincentians (right?), and all parties seem ready for next year’s challenge.

An entirely different game is being envisioned for next year.

The Jeopardy Game is just one of several events scheduled this week as part of Niagara University’s observance of Vincentian Week and the culmination of the 350th Jubilee of Sts. Vincent and Louise.  It has been a tradition at NU to hold Vincentian Week in conjunction with the feast of St. Vincent de Paul.  As you might imagine, January does not work as well in Western New York.

Fr. Bruce Krause, C.M., a campus minister at Niagara University, and the folks at VinFormation (see ), have created different games over the past three years.

These games seem to have wide appeal among the various branches of the Vincentian Family, and have been used as ice breakers and entertainment for various gatherings of the family.  To view this most recent game, go to . (Be sure to have your speakers turned on!)

If your Vincentian organization might be interested in creating a game or other formational material, please click on the Contact Us section of VinFormation (lower right side of the home page).  Let us all take to heart St. Vincent’s words, “Love is creative unto infinity.”

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