This Icon of St Vincent de Paul sees Vincent meeting the Beggar-Christ who shares with Vincent his meal of bread. The icon was written by Rita Magris in 2006, and shows the saint of charity being graced with charity himself.The icon can be found in St Joseph’s Church Malvern, and is reproduced on the Australian CM site with permission, from “The Story of the Church of St. Joseph’s Malvern 1908 – 2008”, St Joseph’s Church History Group, 2008.
Tags: Australia, beggar, icon, Malvern, Vincent
mi felicitación más sincera por este precioso icono de San Vicente, que viene a enriquecer la iconografÃÂa del gran genio de la Caridad. Especialmente felicito a Rita Magris por haber sabido traducir el espÃÂritu de Vicente con las maravillosas técnicas de los iconos orientales. Gracias
For those who could not understand these words in Spanish:
“my most sincere congratulations for this beautiful icon of St. Vincent, which comes to enrich the iconography of the great genius of Charity. Especially, I congratulate Rita Magris, who has known how to translate the spirit of Vincent with the wonderful techniques of the Oriental icons. Thank you.”