The various branches of the Vincentian Family are deeply involved with hospitals, universities and service organizations.

According to the website of the United States Catholic Bishops “The HHS has issued a rule forcing nearly all private health plans to include coverage for all FDA-approved prescription contraceptive drugs and devices, as well as surgical sterilization. These are listed among “preventive services for women” that all health plans will have to cover without co-pays or other cost-sharing — regardless of whether the insurer, the employer or other plan sponsor, or even the woman herself objects to such coverage.”

“The exemption provided for “religious employers” is so narrow that it fails to cover the vast majority of faith-based organizations, including Catholic hospitals, universities, and service organizations that help millions every year. Ironically, not even Jesus & his disciples would have qualified.”

The US Catholic Bishopshave taken a very strong stand and set up a section of their website devoted to its response.

The Catholic Health Association has issued a statement which has been reprinted in America Magazine.

The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)

President of the University of Notre Dame

A wide range of non-Catholic groups have spoken out. Among them

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America (formerly known as the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America)

Sixty leaders of faith-based organizations or who work with faith-based organizations representing more than 40 non-Catholic religious organizations including Protestant-affiliated colleges, National Association of Evangelicals, Focus on the Family, Assemblies of God, Northwest Nazarene University, and Eastern Mennonite University.

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