by Flavio Pereira Tercero | Nov 29, 2017 | Conferences, English, Symposium lectures and homilies
From here to where? By Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, CM I’ve been given a title today called “FROM HERE TO WHERE?” As I understand it, the idea is to provoke some thinking about what’s next as we begin our fifth century attending to the needs of the poor. Let’s...
by Hno. Stuardo Marroquin, CM | Nov 28, 2017 | Conferencias, Español, Symposium lectures and homilies
Primera Conferencia. Viernes 13 de octubre 2017. Espiritualidad Vicentina y Profecía: La sal nunca debe perder su sabor Por el Hno. Stuardo Marroquin, CM La sal es imprescindible en la cocina. Es un ingrediente que no puede faltar en cualquier comida. La sal, como se...
by Flavio Pereira Tercero | Oct 20, 2017 | Conferences, English, Symposium lectures and homilies
By Margaret Ann O’Neill, SC We have come to Rome: to remember; to re-commit; to rejoice. And of course… we are here, to celebrate our spiritual DNA: TOWARD BOUNDLESS LOVING. What a joy to be with family….gracias. All of you are now, even more, a part of my world! Let...
by Flavio Pereira Tercero | Oct 19, 2017 | Conferences, Symposium lectures and homilies
By Tjeu van Knippenberg c.m. em. professor of practical theology at Tilburg University and Peter Reijers a business consultant and coach, mainly active in the field of communication skills, often in building companies, in the field of construction. Both of them are...
by Flavio Pereira Tercero | Sep 25, 2017 | 400th Activities
O Escritório da Família Vicentina partilha com você uma breve biografia dos palestrantes que participarão do Simpósio e um resumo de suas conferências. Em seguida publicamos a informação para os de língua Portuguesa. Espiritualidade Vicentina e seu desafio profético...