by Fr. Mykhaylo Talapkanych CM | May 30, 2017 | news of the vincentian family
The Vincentian Family from Ukraine organizes a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Blessed Martha Wiecka in Sniatyn the eighth year consecutively. More than 1000 pilgrims came on May 27-28 to pray and ask for the grace with the patronage of the Blessed. The number of...
by Vincentian Family Croatia | May 25, 2017 | 400th Activities, news of the vincentian family
400th Anniversary The national pilgrimage guided by the motto “Following the path of martyrs” held on the 13th May 2017 was the central 400th anniversary event for Vincentian Family Croatia. It gathered members of all seven branches of Vincentian Family Croatia and...
by Fr. Francis Puthenthayil | Apr 27, 2017 | news of the vincentian family
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” A few events in 1617 touched the life of St. Vincent de Paul radically. The first event took place in the month of January. St. Vincent was asked to hear the confession of a dying man on the De Gondi Estate. After...
by Stephanie Dunlap | Apr 21, 2017 | news of the vincentian family
This year marks the 400th anniversary of St. Vincent de Paul’s commitment to spirituality and service among the poor. Vincent’s questions for reflection on life remain just as relevant today: What inspired me? What surprised me? What challenged me? What moved me...
by Carlos K. Centeno | Apr 6, 2017 | news of the vincentian family
Reunión virtual de la Familia Vicentina de América Central con el P. Tomaz Mavric, Superior General América Central 26 de marzo 2017. A las 10 a.m., se dió inicio a la reunión virtual número once, con los Presidentes Nacionales de la Familia Vicentina de la América...
by P. Alfredo Becerra | Apr 5, 2017 | news of the vincentian family
Taller de Planeación Participativa En el marco de los festejos por el 400 aniversario del Carisma Vicentino este sábado 25 de Marzo se llevó a cabo un taller de formación en la Parroquia de la Inmaculada Medalla Milagrosa, el taller fue dirigido por la Doctora Ana...