The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has sent the Vincentian Family Office a video about flooding in Peru: Peru in Emergency.

If you want to collaborate, you can do it through Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Peru. This is the information:

Recipient: Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
IBAN Code: 009-010-001109014745-02
Bank: Scotiabank
Country: Perú
Address: Av. Dionisio Derteano 102 – San Isidro. Lima 27, Perú.
P.O Box: 1235
Phone: (511) 2116000

For more questions, call or email Remberth Alonso Falla Zuloeta: Whatsapp +51 949025953. Email: He will respond as soon as he can.

If you want to contact the SSVP in Peru, this is the email address:


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