The Vincentian Family in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, (FaViPaz) marked the jubilee year with an afternoon Eucharist, song, formation, and testimony.

During the Eucharist, a collection was taking to begin funding our anniversary project, aiding needy children at the Children’s Hospital.

Centering on the phrase, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” we celebrated our past as we look to the future.

Sonia Bustillos de Altamirano(AIC) gave testimony, Diego Plá, C.M., preached on the necessity of using the past as a springboard to the future, Aidan Rooney, C.M. delivered a formation presentation on the situation and the personalities of the foundation of the first Charity in Chatillon, Wara Aranda gave an inspirational “sending forth”, and the young people from JMV led us in song.

The event was guided by William Noza Moreno (SSVP) and Sonia Barriga de Guerra(AIC).

The afternoon ended with fellowship and delicious cake! We even sang the Anniversary song!


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