The Vincentian Family in Egypt has celebrated the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian Charism all over the country in an atmosphere of collaboration among all the Vincentian Family branches.

In Alexandria, the different branches celebrated a Mass with representatives of the Coptic Catholic Church along with other local churches. And later a spiritual day for all the Vincentian Family members in Alexandria was organized with more than 400 young people taking part.

In Cairo, the DCs in Saint Vincent Helmieh organized a great celebration and a mass where the Patriarch of the Catholic Church in Egypt blessed the participants from all the Vincentian branches and gave a beautiful homily on the life of St Vincent.

The Vincentian Marian Youth in cooperation with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul had organized another celebration in Asyiut in upper Egypt where the youth were informed of the Vincentian Charism and had fruitful discussions on how to invest the celebrations to organize the service to be more effective and sustainable.

The Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity have agreed to hold different sessions for the students in the schools they manage to inform them of St. Vincent and his charism that had influenced millions over the years.

By Andrew Wagdy, JMV

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