Quote of the Day

Virtue is so beautiful and amiable that they will be compelled to love it in you, if you practice it well (VIII:209).

Quote of the Day

Give yourselves to God, do not be burdensome, treat every individual with gentleness and respect, always using kind words and requests (VIII:202).

Quote of the Day

All things are passing, death draws near, and good works are the only things that last (VIII:193).

Quote of the Day

Live always in God and take care of yourself for His service (VIII:191).

Quote of the Day

I pray that God Himself will be the strength of the weak and the virtue of the strong and the prayer of those who are unable to pray (VIII:186).

Quote of the Day

The more we seek, like Our Lord, the Kingdom of God His Father and to establish it in ourselves and in others, the more will the necessities of life be given us (VIII:175).

Quote of the Day

The more we are like Our Lord, stripped of everything, the more we will share in His Spirit (VIII:175).

Quote of the Day

Do not be afraid of announcing Christian truths to the people with the simplicity of the Gospel (VIII:173).

Quote of the Day

One thing to which you should pay close attention is to destroy that evil spirit of drinking, which is a source of disorder among the clergy. To do so, you must strive to make them interior, prayerful persons, who will prefer to converse with God rather than to seek out the company of others, and to carry out their duties rather than remain idle (VIII:168).

Quote of the Day

You are God’s and God is yours. Oh! what happiness (VIII:163).

Reflections Quotes

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