Way of the Cross – Vincentian Lay Missionaries

Vincentian Lay Missioners walk the way of the cross in Africa with new eyes. Spend 14 minutes in prayer with them. Pope Francis has asked us to go to the outskirts. These young people share what they have learned about the cross from their time in Africa. Also found...
Scenes from “Dialogue with Islam”

Scenes from “Dialogue with Islam”

Over sixty Vincentians from 37 countries  journeyed to Pohsarang in Indonesia to join the Catholics in celebration of Sunday Eucharist. Yakobis Surabaya presents a musical interlude capturing scenes from the symposium of interreligious dialogue with Islam in Pacet,...

Vincentians carry the Olympic Torch

Vincentians in Partnership are very proud that a number of Vincentians were chosen to carry the Olympic Torch due to their inspirational stories of personal achievement and contribution to the local community. Pictured is: Ted Haughey who manages Depaul UK’s Simonside...