Ozanam on being truly Catholic

Ozanam on being truly Catholic

In 1850 speaking to a Conference in Florence, Blessed Frederic Ozanam recalled the beginnings of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul: “Those reproaches were justified and we certainly deserved them. We therefore said to ourselves: Well then, let us set to work !...

The Faith of Frederic Ozanam

“Faith was the sacred fire for Frédéric.  It was both a virtue to be nourished and a gift to be shared.  It was a grace and a heritage in his life that made him justifiably proud and insistent in its public proclamation Faith gave him the nobility and the call...
Frederick Ozanam and Social Justice

Frederick Ozanam and Social Justice

“I ask you: let us occupy ourselves with people who have too many needs and not enough rights, who call out rightly for a greater involvement in public affairs, for guarantees of work — and who cry out against misery.” Frederick Ozanam wrote to his...