Go to the Roots of Terrorism, Advises Holy See

NEW YORK, OCT. 1, 2004 (Zenit.org).- It is not possible to fight against terrorism without identifying and addressing its underlying causes, the Holy See said at the United Nations. Terrorism, in fact, was one of the main issues addressed at a U.N. session Wednesday...

Prayer Resources in Face of War

Resources for Prayer, Study, and Worship in times of Terrorism and War http://textweek.com/peace.htm You have to scroll down the page a tiny bit to see all the resources. This website is also an incredibly rich resource for pastoral ministry. It not only provides...

Iraq – Religious Leaders Differ

LONDON, SEPT. 14, 2002 (Zenit.org).- The specter of U.S. military action against Iraq has prompted many religious leaders to urge further negotiations, or at least U.N. intervention, to avert an invasion or other form of aggression. But some have come out in favor of...

A Vincentian Response to Terrorism Revisited

“What would Vincent do? In the days since the terrorist attacks I have been asking the question “What would Vincent do?”(As we approach the anniversary of 9/11 someone has asked me to repost the reflection I offered last year…) Is there something I can...