Daughters of Charity Pentecost video

The international Daughters of Charity invite all to join with Vincent and Louise  to prepare for the “Feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit” on Pentecost through a video and a powerpoint. (One can find the presentations of the previous months in the ARCHIVES.) PS...
Superior General  Advent Powerpoint

Superior General Advent Powerpoint

How does Advent move us to serve our lords and master’s, God’s poor? That is the first slide from this graphic presentation of Father Gregory Gay’s Advent 2012 letter. It can be viewed online or downloaded for off-line reflection and use....
Advent letter of the Superior General

Advent letter of the Superior General

“The season of Advent offers us an opportunity to ponder the beauty, mystery, and awesome responsibility of our vocation as Christian disciples who follow the Vincentian charism. Our Advent journey has four distinct movements that mirror this liturgical season...