Vincentian Collaboration – Final Day

Vincentian Collaboration – Final Day

Vincentian Collaboration Final Day – The final day of VFCAP was a morning of future planning and an afternoon in Clichy.  Marty Martin prepared participants for the creation of their MAP (My Action Plan). Time was spent on creating SMART goals (specific,...
Day 5 at VFCAP

Day 5 at VFCAP

Sr. Kieran Kneaves Rosalie Rendu Reflecting on Rosalie Sr. Kieran Kneaves Rosalie and fresh flowers Asset mapping Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir Day 5 at VFCAP –  Thursday began with a visit to the tomb of Frederic Ozanam and Mass at St. Joseph Church on the...
Vincentian Family Collaborators Day 3

Vincentian Family Collaborators Day 3

Sr. Denise LaRock reports on Vincentian Family Collaborators Day 3: Module 2: “Contemplator Re-Rooting” Today was a packed day for the Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program!  Pamela Mantuhac led the group through the Four Vincentian Relationships:...