”The Internet as a Medium of an Old Heresy

AMERICA magazine has an article “Words Without Flesh” with the thesis… “That the Internet is leading people to a new manifestation of an ancient form of Gnosticism… Gnostics were and are those who think salvation happened in Jesus and...

64% of Online Americans Use Internet for Religious purposes

WASHINGTON, April 7 — Nearly two-thirds of online Americans use the Internet for faith-related reasons. The 64% of Internet users who perform spiritual and religious activities online represent nearly 82 million Americans.Among the most popular and important...

Information Fluency Throughout the World

On New Year’s Day, The New York Times published an article entitled “Indian Soybean Farmers Join the Global Village.”2 That article describes how and why Ravi Sham Choudhry accesses the World Wide Web to assist the people of his village to price...

Simputer for poor goes on sale

A cheap handheld computer designed by Indian scientists has been launched after a delay of nearly three years. The team first came up with the idea for the Simputer in 2001 to help India’s poor join the internet age. But development of the computer was hampered...

63 percent of US Adults Now Online

According to the latest Pew Internet study 63 percent of U.S. adults now are online and many of them – especially those with several years of online experience – have built Internet use into their lives in practical ways. Findings below. – (Related...