Daughters of Charity – Focus on Elizabeth

For the month of January you can journey in this year of faith with the first saint of the United States, Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton. Our FOCUS ON section is devoted to her. You will discover a woman who was totally inhabited by God and who placed her life at the service of her brothers and sisters; […]

Sisters Learn from those Living in Poverty

The Sisters of Charity Federation site features Sister Margaret Rose Nickerson who says she receives much more than she gives through her ministry at AIDS Saint John in New Brunswick. “I recognize how poor I am and how rich those who are poor are for me,” says the Sister of Charity of the Immaculate Conception. As […]

From “setbacks” to “blessings”

Each year Lynn L’Heureux, Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada, and her husband look forward to delivering Christmas hampers or baskets for those who fall through the cracks at Christmas. This year she suffered some serious setbacks – her being diagnosed with cancer  and the death […]

Daughters of Charity merge 3 provinces (Spain)

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2012 Superioress General of the Daughters of Charity Sister Evelyne Franc and the General Council appointed S.Pilar Rendón DC a first Visitatrix of the new Province of Spain South.  The new province results from merging three of nine Spanish provinces of the Company. Click to enlarge photos) Sister Pilar is […]

FAMVIN top ten searches

Among the top 2012 searches on the various sites of the FAMVIN project… Most popular Vincentian posts on Famvin News       Searching for quotations St. Vincent quotes       Searching for information on the Vincentian Family Vincentian Family Calendar Vincentian Family Branches Vincentian Family on the Web VinFormation Prayers, Celebrations & Seasonal […]

“Band of Sisters” trailer

Band of Sisters tells the story of Catholic nuns and their work for social justice after Vatican II of the 1960s. For Catholics who wonder what became of the nuns they knew in habits and convents many years ago, for activists who may feel profoundly discouraged given the problems of today’s world, for women seeking equality […]

Mission as a Sacred Trust: Past, Present, Future

The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati offer a video response to the question “What is the Charity Mission?” Reviewing quickly their roots in Vincent, Elizabeth Seton and the early Sisters of Charity they present a quick tour of their heritage and conclude saying “Although times change and programs vary according to the current needs of […]

Leadership – Sisters of Charity Seton Hill

The Winter 2012 issue of Celebration is online now! It contains profiles of their leadership team. Also read about the events of 2012 that had great significance for the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill. December_2012_Winter_Celebration_for_web    

World Day of Peace

World Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is a feast day dedicated to peace  celebrated on January 1, on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It was introduced in 1967 and inspired by the encyclicals Pacem in Terris and Populorum Progressio of John XXIII and Paul VI. Index of Papal Messages for World Day of Peace since 2006 U.S. […]

Pray tiny bit more in the Year of Faith

Looking for a simple way to deepen prayer in the coming year? “Pray just a tiny bit more.” This guest post from Susan Stabile offers an example of a simple  way of building on things that are already a pattern in our lives. In this case it is as simple asmaking it a point of […]

The FAMVIN Digital Network

famvinThe Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.

The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.

Articles from the Famvin News Archive

Use of Media in Evangelization Is Not an Option

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 28, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Using the media to spread the Gospel message isn't an option for believers, a missionary told a Vatican-organized symposium. "To evangelize through the media is not something merely optional but an imperative," said Father...

Famvin Collaborator Publishes Significant Book

Mary Margaret Keaton, a collaborator on famvin and Vincentian Center for Church and Society projects as well as a product of Daughters of Charity education in Lynchburg,Virginia, has published what promises to be a very influential and successful book: IMAGINING FAITH...

DC WIns Jefferson Award for Public Service

Jefferson Award winner: Sister Trinitas Hernandez DC, founder of the Rosalie Rendu Center in East Palo Alto.How she started: When Hernandez returned to the Bay Area in 1996 after working with delinquent youth and orphans in Colorado and the San Joaquin Valley, she...

Giuseppina Nicoli, DC – ‘Servant of God’

God�s servant, Giuseppina Nicoli, a Daughter of Charity, was born in Casatisma (Pavia) Italy on November 18, 1863, the fifth of 10 children. (Thanks to Josie Cabiglio of the SVDP for this quick translation from the Itatian original.)Her family always lived in unity...

Vatican Resources on Lent

The Vatican site a rich section of reources for Lent 2005The site has links to words of the Holy Father, Lenten Stations, Lenten Music, Calendar of Celebration and Vatican live TV.Vatican Resources for Lent

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