Syria: moral dilemma

Syria: moral dilemma

Syria: moral dilemma facing today’s leaders – Ethics of military action Ivor Roberts writes in the Tablet of  Britain.. After a suspected chemical weapons attack on his own people by the Assad regime in Syria, the clamour for the West to act is growing. But...
Bishops on 50th Anniversary March

Bishops on 50th Anniversary March

Statement On The 50th Anniversary Of The March On Washington For Jobs And Freedom  Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom As we mark the 50th Anniversary of the March on...
Vatican to tackle trafficking

Vatican to tackle trafficking

Pope asks pontifical academies to help fight human trafficking Cindy Wooden of Catholic News Service  writes… At the request of Pope Francis, scholars and researchers belonging to two pontifical academies and representatives of the World Federation of Catholic...

US bishops statement on Egypt

Bishops Pates And Kicanas Update All Bishops On Egypt; Bishop Pates Urges Secretary Of State Kerry To Act Targeting of churches and Christians unacceptable Bishops join Pope Francis in praying for all victims of violence Catholic Relief Services helping schools,...